Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 19: Exercise

I alluded to this last week, but this is the week I'm taking the plunge.  I WILL start exercising.  I have several obstacles that I must overcome, but it's really time to start.  First, I don't like exercising at home.  I liked going to our local YMCA and working out there, but it costs money and I need a babysitter-both are things that are in short supply.  Second, it is so easy to put exercise on the back-burner when the kids are in activities or errands need to be done and then it is 10 pm and I'm supposed to be in bed (which I'm failing at also).  Third, Hubby is working a second job and while the weather is great for getting outside, it is hard to really get a decent workout in when you are trying to watch all three kids to make sure they don't wander into the road and they can't keep up the pace for very long, so I slow down and the benefits are lessened. 

I could make excuses all day, but that is just what they are, excuses.  Each evening I will do something active.  I have a neighbor that wants to do the Couch to 5K program, so I will try and get set up to do that, but I also want to get out and do things with the kids.  If I can't be without them, I might as well include them.  The girls want to practice sets and serves for volleyball and I can play ball with little man, so an increase in activity has to be better than the status quo.  I'm also going to try and get in a little 30 day Shred at least a couple times a week.  It's bought and paid for, I need to use it.

I am also in the process of revamping our meal plan for this month.  Last week, after a lot of agonizing reading, I decided to drastically cut the amount of grains we eat and replace them with vegetables and fruits (fresh where possible).  This leaves the budget is a bind, as I spent over $50 in produce this week and another $75 in meat to get our stash built back up again.  Also I just bought another 50 pound bag of flour that will be getting a lot less use.  Also with food prices going up, I'm having trouble making the changes I want (and need) to make without just ditching the budget completely.  At this time, I'm thankful that I do have the opportunity to take an extra daycare kid occasionally which is really helping to supplement my food budget. 

Right now, I don't feel like I'm meeting the thrifty aspect of my blog/personal goal, but I'm trying to do the best I can for my family the cheapest way I can.  Could my budget always be less?  You bet, but would we eat as well as we do?  Probably not.  I will be heading out to the farmer's market next weekend to see what is available there, maybe there will be deals to be had.

1 comment:

  1. Rising food prices have put a kink in my grocery budget, too. It's worth it, though, because I feel like it is important to feed my family healthier meals ( I too, am adding more fruits and veggies into our meals).


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